Sejarah Perkembangan Islam Di Eropa Islam mulai masuk ke Eropa sudah dimulai dari berabad-abad yang lalu. Semua itu di awali oleh penaklukan negara Andalusia pada tahun 756 M – 1492 M di Semenanjung Iberia. Kemudian berlanjut melalui Sisilia serta penaklukan wilayah Balkan yang dilakukan oleh kekhalifahan Utsmaniyyah. Kehadiran dan perkembangan Islam di Eropa kemudian berlanjut dari imigrasi besar-besaran umat Islam yang berada di negara-negara Islam menuju Eropa setelah selesai perang dunia kedua. Proses Penaklukan Umat muslim mulai memasuki benua Eropa sejak adanya permintaan bantuan kepada Musa bin Nushair yang waktu itu menjabat Gubernur Afrika Utara oleh seorang bansawan Gothia Barat bernama Graf Yulian yang sedang berkuasa di Geuta Afrika Utara. Waktu itu dia meminta bantuan agar Gubernur bisa membantu keluarga “Witiza” yang sedang menghadapi konflik dengan tentara roderik yang waktu itu memberontak merebut singgasana keluarga “Witiza” pada tahun 710 M. S
Once, there was a beautiful princess has a very white skin as snow and blue eyes. Because her skin was very white then she was called as Snow White. When she was a baby, she lost her mother. His father decided to marry again with the beautiful queen but she was very cruel. Her stepmother is the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. She has a magic mirror. Every day the queen asked to this mirror, “Magic mirror, magic mirror on the wall! Who is the prettiest woman in this entire kingdom? Magic mirror said” Of course, you are the most beautiful woman “. One day the queen is asked to the magic mirror again. However, she was surprised when the mirror said, “Snow White is the most beautiful woman in the kingdom. The evil queen is very jealous and angry when she found out Snow White more beautiful than her. She ordered the royal guard to hunt Snow White and bring her to forest to be killed. “I want you to kill her, then bring me her heart!” she ordered. When the guar
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